GS Project Reflection

My ClassMates and I did a project all in different groups.we had videos we had to do research on.we made a poster full of our information and rated eachothers hard work my group did pretty good and probably could have done better.we are working on a different porject now and im determined to do good!

Jackie Mitchell

Did you know at one time In 1931 there was a girl pitcher named Jackie Mitchell? She Loved Baseball, She had a good curve ball and fastball. One day she got hired to play with the Major League Baseball Team Lookouts.Everyone read the news paper and saw there would actually be a girl pitcher on the field April 2, 1931 Playing against the Yankees.The Yankees Had the two best baseball player ever lived there names were Babe Ruth And Lou Gehrig.On the Day of April 2,1931 Jackie Mitchell took the mound to practice pitching. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig watched her warm up very closely I think they’re nervous to be hitting off a girl. The Referee Said Play ball! Jackie Mitchell took the mound up hitting was the famous Babe Ruth. All 3 of Jackie Mitchells pitches went down the middle strike 3 said the referee. Babe Ruth swung His Bat in the air with madness! then Lou Gehrig was up. strike 3 said the ref she had gotten Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig out! No one could believe their eyes! The coach took her off the field as she waved and kissed goodbye.


I learned today that when colonist had to pay taxes that It wasn’t fun it was serious, some families lost a lot of money because of this. Families that were poor struggled because of this, Some Were Starving and some even lost there land because they couldn’t pay there taxes I learned back then paying taxes weren’t easy and it was hard for some families.

2014/2015 Writing

2015 finally here, and when a New Year begins that’s the time to start over and work harder on something that maybe you didn’t accomplish. Some people even set goals for something there going to do or accomplish. Like me I’m going to learn how to do stunts on a bike. I remember 2014, like one time I was doing stunts on my bike and when I popped a wheelie My bike flipped and I landed on the road with a bloody elbow, toes and legs, And the worst part was I wasn’t wearing shoes! I had to rest for a week waiting for my bruises and scabs to heal. Now In 2015 I’m going to follow my resolution and learn to be a better bike rider and hopefully not get hurt!

Life In 5th Grade

So far In 5th grade I’ve done alot of things, and I think it’s pretty cool to be oldest kids in school.  When It was my first day of fifth grade I was pretty nervous because I didnt know what the teachers were like, what to do and where to go. In 5th Grade you have alot of responsibility, you have to keep up with your supplies and your class clipboard and make sure to study for test and finish your homework. I am nervous about taking the STAAR test this year and going to middle school but I know I can do it. Science is my favorite subject because my teacher is funny and makes the learning fun.  I am going to continue to work my hardest and end 5th grade with a positive note.