Jackie Mitchell

Did you know at one time In 1931 there was a girl pitcher named Jackie Mitchell? She Loved Baseball, She had a good curve ball and fastball. One day she got hired to play with the Major League Baseball Team Lookouts.Everyone read the news paper and saw there would actually be a girl pitcher on the field April 2, 1931 Playing against the Yankees.The Yankees Had the two best baseball player ever lived there names were Babe Ruth And Lou Gehrig.On the Day of April 2,1931 Jackie Mitchell took the mound to practice pitching. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig watched her warm up very closely I think they’re nervous to be hitting off a girl. The Referee Said Play ball! Jackie Mitchell took the mound up hitting was the famous Babe Ruth. All 3 of Jackie Mitchells pitches went down the middle strike 3 said the referee. Babe Ruth swung His Bat in the air with madness! then Lou Gehrig was up. strike 3 said the ref she had gotten Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig out! No one could believe their eyes! The coach took her off the field as she waved and kissed goodbye.